Angry Wild Legends

Writing, authoring, publishing, literary stuff of all kinds – plus anything else!

Readers Are Doomed!

Actually, that’s the title of an article I wrote for Nick Daws’ blog. I won’t repeat the article here, but here’s a short extract:

The demographics for reading are changing. The days when our children all enjoyed the delight of a bedtime story are disappearing. How many youngsters now will pick up a book when there is the alternative of television, computer games, and the internet? Here’s a bold prediction for you: within my lifetime the average age of a regular reader will rise to 60. Within 100 years the number of books being sold will drop to a point where the supermarkets don’t even bother to stock them. Within 200 years the only people to read for pleasure will be the few remaining authors themselves, devouring each others’ words in sad, cannibalistic indulgence. Let me know if I was wrong!

If you found that intriguing, why not pay a visit to Nick’s pages and read the whole article. They are always well worth a visit. 🙂

May 20, 2008 Posted by | General | , , , , | Leave a comment